
With reference to the vacancy announcements on May 11, 2023, Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates. As the interview will be conducted on June 22, 2023 from 9:30 am in DCCL office, the candidates are asked to produce the original documents during the interview.


  1. Assistant Manager (HR) Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Karma Thinley 11503001970 77337559 There will be written test and viva voce
2 Kezang Jamtsho 10713001938 17556553
3 Tshechi Norbu 11315001354 17285382
4 Ngawang Gyeltshen 11512004102 17690988
5 Kencho losel 11101003125 77735432
6 Kinley Zam 10203001378 17739825


  1. Tester Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Wangchuk Namgyel 11515001506 17558950 There will be written test and viva voce
2 Tashi Phuntsho 10711001186 17276247
3 Sonam Tobgay 11101002054 17578697
4 Singye Dema 11105003552 17293099
5 Samdrup Zangmo 11514001459 17821045
6 Pema Yangki 11603000294 17833296
7 Pema Lhamo 11106000608 17722969
8 Pem Dorji 11902001740 17358201
9 Kinley Zangmo 10907001316 17854330
10 Karma Tshomo 10710002939 17846173