
With reference to the vacancy announcement on May 01, 2023, Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates. As the interview will be conducted on May 18, 2023 from 9:30 am in DCCL office, the candidates are asked to produce the original documents during the interview.

Shortlisted candidates for the post of Internal Auditor
SN Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Nima 10907000737 77394993 There will be written test and viva voce
2 Sangay Penjor 10707002065 17370488
3 Dechen Tshomo 11515001490 17470809
4 Dorji Phuntsho 10608000828 17870116
5 Choki Dorji 11106003636 77311792
6 Tshering Cheki 10608000894 17757906
7 Pema Jamtsho 10903001904 17555732
8 Tenzin Dorji 10904000670 17946108