Shortlisted Candidates

With reference to the vacancy announcements on March 22, 2023 and April 8, 2023, Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates. As the interview will be conducted on May 03, 2023 from 9:30 am in DCCL office, the candidates are asked to produce the original documents during the interview.

Shortlisted candidates for the post of Mechanical Engineer
SN Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Bhim Bdr. Alay 11307002042 17253929 There will be written test and viva voce


2 Pema Wangdi 10811000204 17271974
3 Tshewang Choden 10102001113 17447629
4 Tshoki Lhamo Moktan 11806000201 77373816
5 Ugyen Chenzom Rangdrol 10806000262 17624200


Shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Manager, Procurement
SN Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Chhimi Rinzin 11512002174 17599067 There will be written test and viva voce







2 Gonpo Dorji 11601000362 17445977
3 Jamyang Drukpa 11106004255 77724286/17948254
4 Karma Tenzin 11605000117 17245544
5 Kuenley Dorji 11101000581 17655200/77480653
6 Nima Tshering 10209001726 17718024
7 Pema Jamtsho 10903001904 17555732
8 Phuntsho Wangdi 11102005987 17645172
9 Sangay 10104001371 17505363
10 Sonam Chophel 10904003150 17614912
11 Sonam Peldon 11608002763 77763189/17653295
12 Sonam Rinchen 11106003934 17541315
13 Tshering Cheki 10608000894 17757906
14 Yenten Jamtsho 10904001382 17942013








Shortlisted candidates for the post of Section Officer, Procurement
SN Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Amrita Giri 11214003893 17336322 There will be written test and viva voce




2 Divya Upreti 10308001503 17331400/17654795
3 Dorji Wangchuk 10311001094 17800420/77622505
4 Norbu Wangmo 11106005045 77735753/17419636
5 Rewat Prasad Bhattarai 11313000221 17572370/17490736
6 Sangay Dorji 10906002676 17450558
7 Tshering Choden 10709001615 17400306
8 Tshering Dorji 10905003569 17628563
9 Tshering Wangda 11105001698 17480967


Shortlisted candidates for the post of Truck Driver
SN Name CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Dechen Dorji 11512002250 77400062 There will be driving test and viva voce




2 Jigme 10709003180 17468213
3 Sangay Gyeltshen 11506002919 77277517
4 Sherab Phuntsho 11106004277 17741526
5 Sonam Tshewang 11503000766 77281390
6 Tenzin Wangda 11514000329 17321719
7 Ugay Tshering 11006002206 17256721
8 Ugyen Tshewang 10601002569 17303128


Shortlisted candidates for the post of Shift Engineer (Internal vacancy)
SN Name EID CID No. Phone # Remarks
1 Achut Ghimirey 145 11308001531 17512060/17450007 There will be written test and viva voce
2 Namgay Tashi 147 11513004632 17286947
3 Thiley Penjor 144 11512000531 17959050