Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the selected candidates for the mentioned posts against the interview held on April 11, 2022.The selected candidates are required to join DCCL on April 18, 2022.

  1. Selected candidate for the post of Jr. Assistant (Material management)
SN Name CID no. Contact no. Remarks
1 SonamNorbu 11101003070 77278810 Selected


  1. Selected candidates for the post of Sampler
SN Name CID no. Contact no. Remarks
1 NimaZangmo 11106003591 17553403 Selected
2 Tshering Lhamo 11502002863 77819692 Selected
3 JamyangChoden 10905001659 77435233 Selected
4 DawaChoden 11106005452 17512056 Selected
5 SonamChoden 11508000519 17583696 Selected