With reference to the vacancy announcements on August 13, 2021 & September 8, 2021, Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates for the post of Security Guard. The selection interview will be conducted on October 4, 2021 from 9:30 am. The interview for low-risk areas will be at National Housing Development Corporation’s office in Thimphu, & high-risk areas at DCCL office in Nganglam. The candidates are asked to produce original documents during the interview.
SN | Name | CID no. | Contact no. | Remarks |
1 | Bedha Maya Khadal | 11109001116 | 17863151 | There will be viva voice
2 | Chimmi Rinzin | 11302003045 | 17646171 | |
3 | Chindu Zangmo | 11111002181 | 17255709 | |
4 | Dorji Wangchuk | 12002001279 | 17451418 | |
5 | Karma Tharchen | 11107004988 | 17849361 | |
6 | Karma Tshering | 10705004113 | 17724269 | |
7 | Kezang Chophel | 11506004574 | 17710760 | |
8 | Leki Choida | 1200600458 | 17457230 | |
9 | Leki Dendup | 12002001044 | 17947406 | |
10 | Leki Tshewang | 10706001524 | 17282336 | |
11 | Leki Zombay | 12005003417 | 17800677 | |
12 | Nima Choden | 11101000409 | 17455905 | |
13 | Pema Chogyal | 12005002185 | 77601695 | |
14 | Pema Deki | 11509003860 | 17345796 | |
15 | Pema Wangmo | 10706002277 | 77601833 | |
16 | Sangay Lhamo | 10708001580 | 77392152 | |
17 | Sangay Loday | 12003002585 | 17556699 | |
18 | Sangay Tshewang | 11106001384 | 77293624 | |
19 | Sangay Tshomo | 10706000293 | 17607841 | |
20 | Sangay Wangmo | 11102002669 | 77281436 | |
21 | Sonam Choden | 11102003130 | 77337398 | |
22 | Tandin Tshewang | 11102000335 | 17780380 | |
23 | Tempa Nima | 12005002601 | 17493899 | |
24 | Thinley Tshomo | 11101002535 | 77735431 | |
25 | Tshering Zangmo | 10208000451 | 17654493 | |
26 | Ugyen Dem | 10804000814 | 17846726 | |
27 | Ugyen Tenzin | 11605002893 | 17485173 |