Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to announce the selected candidates for the mentioned posts against the interview held on February 25, 2021. All the selected candidates are required to join DCCL on March 03, 2021. If candidates fail to report or incase candidates choose to resign, the company shall recruit the standby candidate.
- Selected candidate for the post of Driver (Pool)
SN | Name | CID no. | Contact no. | Remarks |
1 | Rinzin Wangchuk | 10905003675 | 17525299 | Selected |
2 | Tashi Phuntsho | 11106001657 | 17687398 | Standby |
- Selected candidate for the post of Driver (Truck)
SN | Name | CID no. | Contact no. | Remarks |
1 | Ugyen | 10101006547 | 77241554 | Selected |
2 | Sangay Tenzin | 10605003239 | 77865104 | Standby |