Limited Enquiry
M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam would like to request you to quote your rate for the supply of materials. Limited Enquiry No: DCCL/Com/Proc/2024/07/321,322 & 323
M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam would like to request you to quote your rate for the supply of materials. Limited Enquiry No: DCCL/Com/Proc/2024/07/321,322 & 323
M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam would like to request you to quote your rate for the supply of materials.
M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam would like to request you to quote your rate for the supply of materials.
DCCL/Com/Proc/2024/05/ 7th February, 2024 Abridge Notice Inviting Tender M/s. Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam, invites sealed Bids from National & International Bidders for the Supply and Delivery of Laptops. NIT No. Name of the Work Bid Security (Nu) Read more
Kindly quote the rate for the supply of the materials listed in the tables below to M/s.Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), based on the terms and conditions outlined.
M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL), Nganglam would like to request you to quote your rate to outsource manpower for Plant Shutdown.
This is with reference to our NIT No. DCCL/Com/Proc/05/2023/2735 dated 20/12/2023 for the Deployment of manpower for housekeeping works and last date of submission has been extended to 19th January, 2024 at 1500 hours (BST) Bids shall be received in Read more
Kindly quote the rate for the supply of materials listed to Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited(DCCL)
Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to invite sealed Bids from eligible National and International Bidders to submit your bid for the supply of Safety Items. Bids shall be received in sealed envelopes on or before 3.00 PM on Read more
Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) is pleased to invite sealed Bids from eligible National Bidders to submit your bid for the supply and delivery of Uniform. Bids shall be received in sealed envelopes on or before 3.00 PM on 10th Read more
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